Monday, November 17, 2008

Check This Out!

Jindal talks about principles!

Every time Bobby Jindal talks about working with the other party, but standing up for our priniciples at the same time I get chills. Is there really anyone else as smart as this man that could be running in 2012. Well, maybe Ben Stein. But he's not running is he? Bobby Jindal is the best hope we have. He's making new friends in Iowa, and is spreading the conservative message. Send Governor Jindal a letter and tell him to run for president.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Jindal turned down VP vetting

It was disclosed earlier this week that Governor Jindal refused VP vetting. A smart move for Jindal. The article really is a must read.

Jindal has been vocal in discussing what he believes caused voters to repudiate his party at the polls and what it will take to win back favor with the American people. He has said party officials in Washington became too tolerant of pork-barrel spending and corruption, and failed to introduce new ideas into the political discourse.

Huckabee backs former campaign manager

Chip Saltsman if you remember helped Governor Huckabee launch himself into the top tier of candidates. He can largely be credited for the Huckaboom. No doubt his strategy helped Huckabee, but can he take the GOP back to prominence?

What really concerns me is that Huckabee had a populous message during his primary run. Would that be Chip's position for the GOP.

"Government isn't the answer to our problems. Government is the problem."-Ronald Reagan

Romney seeks to help the ailing GOP

Here is a link to the article:

Mitt is really trying to build the party up. Of course this could be an effort to gain support for another run, but I believe he is more than anything sincerely trying to help the republicans hold Obama at bay.