Monday, November 10, 2008

Newt for GOP Chair

It's recently been released that Newt Gingrich is actively seeking the GOP chairmanship. I think he would be excellent. He presided over the 94' congressional victory. A lot of people have issues with him as far as his personal integrity goes. I don't think it would be a problem at all with regard to him being chairman. He is an excellent thinker, and I believe he would seek to expand the party without compromising our core beliefs and values.

UPDATE: Newt has now said he is not interested in the RNC chairmanship. So here is the question: What is really trying to do? My best guess is that Newt will help the republican party with the midterms in 2010 and then announce his bid for the presidency. I personally would rather have him as VP than as the presidential nominee. He is a policy wonk, and has extraordinary ideas. But I'm still not sure the public would accept him at the top of the ticket. No doubt the republican party could do much worse.

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